978-84-1169-360-8 Título
Self determination and secession in Constitutional Democracies. A study of the Spanish case  
Autores Gonzalez Represa, Gaspar           
Editorial Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch  Nº edición  01  Año  Oct/2023
Colección    Nº colección  Páginas  462 

Obras Generales
Encuadernación  Rústica 
Largo  Ancho 
Idioma  Inglés 
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Reseña del libro
Secession has had a great historical importance and remains a major issue in the national and international political arena today. Secession and territorial disputes have historically been solved by force. In fact, in many recent examples force has been used to achieve independence or to preserve the territorial integrity of a state.

Finding a legal solution to secession is still an open question and a particularly difficult task, which this research aims to shed some light on though.
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