978-84-11-22427-7 Título
Public international law  
Autores López Martín, Ana Gemma           
Editorial Editorial Dykinson, S.L.  Nº edición  Año  Sep/2022
Colección    Nº colección  Páginas  470 

Derecho internacional

Derecho Internacional Público
Encuadernación  Rústica 
Largo  240  Ancho  170 
Idioma  Inglés 
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Reseña del libro
The book aims to provide a theoretical overview of the most important areas of public international law, and it does so in the form of a collective work. Public International Law, as a scientific discipline notable for its growing quantitative and qualitative importance and its considerable technical-legal complexity, requires, for educational and investigative purposes, large doses of specialisation and rigour, and only through joint and coordinated work carried out in stable research groups will it be possible to tackle and overcome new teaching and research challenges. 
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