978-84-9197-519-9 Título
Conflicts of interest between majorities and minorities in private companies (dúo)  
Autores Viera González, Aristides Jorge           
Editorial Editorial Aranzadi, S.A.  Nº edición    Año  Mar/2019
Colección    Nº colección  Páginas  300 

Derecho de Sociedades
Encuadernación  Rústica 
Largo  240  Ancho 
Idioma  Castellano 
Sin stock
Sin stock
Reseña del libro
The practice of private companies has long shown that the lack of protection for minority shareholders is more intense than in open or listed companies for which there is a liquid market in which to trade shares. The majority shareholders, and therefore the directors and officers appointed by the same, do not have the competitive pressure imposed by the existence of a genuine market for corporate control. This becomes more intense, at times even unbearable, in some models of closed companies, such as family businesses. This book provides a general analysis of the treatment of this issue in several of the most relevant legislations in the European Union. 
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