978-84-1308-330-8 Título
Brand management in higher education (Dúo) "An empirical study through the agents involved"  
Autores Casanoves Boix, Javier    Kuster-Boluda, Ines    Vila-López, Natalia   
Editorial Editorial Aranzadi, S.A.  Nº edición    Año  Ene/2019
Colección    Nº colección  Páginas  300 

Servicios Públicos
Encuadernación  Rústica 
Largo  240  Ancho 
Idioma  Castellano 
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Reseña del libro
What is brand capital? And how to manage it strategically in higher education institutions Brand implies more than just the producer's promise to the consumer, it is a link based on the perceptions and experiences of the client every time he connects with it. Although the relationship between the consumer and the brand is an individual reality, universal guidelines and behaviour can be generalized in consumers, that is, brand equity can be generated. Applied to services, this is considered to be even more important, since the core business is based on intangibility. This book analyzes the essence of brand capital, the main models presented in the literature and the key elements that make it up. Its application in the context of higher educational is analyzed, detailing the relevance and the role of all of the university agents involved. Following on from this, a proposal is made for a model of brand capital in the higher education sector. Finally, an empirical study is described that highlights the importance of building educational brand through the agents involved in both public and private universities. 
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