978-84-9177-069-5 Título
Rural worlds, social sustainability and local landscapes in the globalisation era. "Case studies in southern Europe (DÚO-epub)"  
Autores Gómez Pellón, Eloy           
Editorial Editorial Aranzadi, S.A.  Nº edición  Año  Jul/2018
Colección    Nº colección  Páginas  297 

Obras generales
Encuadernación  Rústica 
Largo  240  Ancho 
Idioma  Inglés 
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Reseña del libro
The different degrees of interaction between the urban and rural worlds in the last century have been the cause of very diverse forms of ruralities. Economic changes resulting from deindustrialisation and globalisation have introduced great complexity in rural areas. These changes are clearly seen in the great diversity in the social subjects that have gradually appeared in rural areas 
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